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I've always felt as if I were a creative person, so when I graduated from SFSU with a degree in Business Marketing and began working full time, I found myself uninspired and bored staring at a computer screen, stacks of papers and office walls day after day.  Although I value my conventional education and still draw from it today, the actual work I was doing wasn't for me.

Soon after, I decided to take classes in Baking & Pastry at the CCA in an attempt to turn one of my favorite hobbies into a new career path.  The classes are what you make of them.  I applied myself and they provided me with the building blocks I needed to excel professionally in pastry and was also a great way to get my foot in the door of an industry that was completely foreign to me.

Immediately after school, I started working at an intense, demanding and high-volume restaurant serving Northern Italian cuisine.  Unknowingly, this position prepared me for anything a kitchen environment could throw at me.  After 4 years, it was time for me to move on.  I am currently creating the desserts at a Michelin starred restaurant in San Francisco.  It's definitely fun and challenging to constantly "create."

With my old hobby as my new career, it was time for me to pick up something new to keep myself occupied during my free time.  In 2009, my boyfriend gifted me a DSLR camera and my obsession with documenting my work began.  Although I strictly regard myself as an amateur photographer, I feel like I have a good "eye" and enjoy photographing architecture and nature in addition to food and sweets.  

Thank you for checking out my blog and seeing first hand the progression of my pastry and photography.  I hope you enjoy!

♥ pastrypixels


e m a i l | pastrypixels@gmail.com
f a c e b o o k | facebook.com/pastrypixels
t w i t t e r | @pastrypixels
p i n t e r e s t | pinterest.com/pastrypixels