

Say what!?

Just after the Killed by Dessert event, I received the results from an allergy blood test...nothing serious, just something I decided to do on a whim.  I've always wanted to take an allergy test - since for as long as I can remember I've suffered from watery eyes and congestion issues.  Instead of taking the the conventional "prick" test, I decided on taking a blood test focusing on food allergies.

I was devastated when I received the results!  Compared to the others I knew who took the test, mine were off the charts!  Who would have guessed that I was so delicate!?

One of my co-workers that also took the test and I then decided to go Paleo.  She signed on for a month and I participated for the 3 weeks leading up to my vacation.  The Paleolithic Diet (Caveman Diet) cut out most of the foods I was allergic to.  After 4 or 5 days my body felt noticeably better - my allergy symptoms reduced, my skin was clear and I had much more energy!

Honestly, it's not that difficult to stick to the diet.  The hardest part was planning your meals and snacks - it is mentally exhausting!  I knew from the get go that if I was hungry and had no idea what I was going to eat, I would fail.  I did lots of grocery shopping and also made a number of Paleo-friendly snacks.  My favorite was the "Bird-Feed," a simple mixture of seeds tossed with a touch of honey and baked slightly until crisp.  Other snacks I made included kale chips, trail mix and baked potato and yam chips.

Since returning, it took me the looooongest time fully commit to the Paleo diet again.  Although I really wanted to, it was hard to find the time to do all the shopping and mental planning.  Also, I just wanted to eat EVERYTHING that I was missing out on!  Alas, I just finished day 3 - not so difficult as long as you have a game plan!

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