A while back, I was enlisted to make a bunch of treats that would hold up well. Thus, the cookie monster made an appearance. For one whole weekend, I slaved away making the cookies pictured below as well as a number of others to package and mail away.
Milk Chocolate Salted Caramel Macarons [04.02.2011]
Peanut Butter S'Mores v2.0 [04.02.2011]
Strawberry Meringues [04.02.2011]
Strawberry Thumbprint Cookies [04.02.2011]
They may seem simple, but some of the cookies have a number of components that when added up, take up quite a lot of time. I sure hope the recipient appreciated all the hard work!
Did the starwberry meringues have our "secret" ingredient for neapolitan treats? Heehee